Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Stone Me

Just had a day of friendship and frolics, it's a nightmare being popular! Spent a couple of hours with my mate 'SG' painting some stones and having a good old chat, was delightful to just get out and do something not related to death for a change. God only knows what I painted as they ended up looking like aliens, I forgot what a ladybird looked like for the love of all things holy! Anyway, it was lovely. And I've just rolled in from the pub after a pint and a half of lovely cold Coors with my other mate 'J' who I know from school, we had a nice chat about pensions and wills, as you do when you're bloody old.

Slept for 12 hours almost last night, tonight I doubt I will as I need time to decompress and wind down for bed and it's already 11pm, ah well. I can make do with 7 hours these days and still function... sort of. I am considerably less stressed since the funeral, I refuse to get excitable about stupid shit now, I cannot do it, I will go insane, therefore... not happening. I need to look after myself so I can look after mum, or else we're both screwed. I like my new relaxed attitude, I wonder how long it'll last?

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