Other things accomplished today include sorting meds with nice prescription manager in doctors, being snotty with the pharmacy and telling them I want them ready when I walk in tomorrow because not a single f*ck is now given about my attitude with those morons in there. Buying lots of diet coke in Asda, buying other shit in Poundland, buying milk bread an cheese in Iceland, Having a milkshake and just generally strutting about feeling ok about things.
I did write a eulogy draft for the funeral, might need to practice it but I do want to read it myself if I possibly can, I really do! I need to say these things out loud. Good job I have the diabetic shrink on Thursday to talk this one through, as well as it turns out the bloody other therapy course for 2 hours, got the day wrong, there really is no rest for the wicked, I suppose it'll keep me busy and not thinking for a while though, bonus.
Tomorrow? Bank, buying flowers, paying undertaker, pictures, order of service, does it ever bloody end? Please, I pray it does.
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